Biotheric Technology

Everything is Energy ~ Energy is Everything

a new scientific system designed

to raise your vibrations and deliver beneficial frequencies

Biotheric(TM) technology utilizes silver-dollar-sized discs, packed with crystals and programmed with powerful frequencies to affect one’s auric ‘biofield.’  The way these discs affect your vibrations is akin to the way flower and gem essences work, but unlike these singular essences, a combination of  vibropathic (energetic) remedies are combined — including flower, gem, mineral, affirmations and prayers — to be of positive and transformative benefit to the user.

This technology was developed many years ago by Dr. Gary Kersey of Quantum Care, LLC, as a way to support and empower his patients to improve their lives with more independence and emotional well being. What resulted from his many experiments, along with concerted communication with his Guides, was a way for his patients to make and have access to in-home remedies for handling various issues and challenges and bring them to a ‘flow state.’

Because of the way these energetic tools are created and the types of crystals used, these discs neither deplete nor “wear out.”   

Positive emotions such as compassion, gratitude, harmony, spiritual connection, confidence, calm, trust and ease are turned on, flowing and present in the mind/body/spirit complex. 

Your life can be joyous and rich with abundance.  Biotheric(TM) discs are energetic tools designed  to help you realize your highest and best life path.

We have over 300 discs available, many of which are specialized. Call or text 407-383-5919 during regular business hours or contact us to schedule a free energy medicine consultation