Matrix Break



This is a very important disc. It is excellent for those who meditate, but it is also great for those who feel they don’t have the time for meditation, but understand that quieting the mind can be very beneficial when it comes to problem solving. Many believe that there is never a problem that shows up in your life that there isn’t also a solution that shows up at the same time. However, just because the solution is there doesn’t mean we can always easily access it.

It reminds me of the phrase: “Of course! I’ve been too close to see! The answer’s right in front of me!” The use of the word “matrix” was chosen for a reason. This disc helps us disconnect from the matrix. So what do we mean by the word “matrix”? When placed on third eye, the area between the eyes, one temporarily disconnects from the “matrix” in order to “see” beyond their own individual consensus reality, which is simply a version of one’s own personal mental construct or holographic projection, which they call “the world”.
This is why everyone’s perceptions of the world can be so very different. And why would we want to disconnect? To get an answer to a problem. And why do answers sometimes evade us?

Due to various blocks, interference patterns, beliefs, emotions, energetic layers, etc. that we all have as human beings that can obscure incoming information from outside of the illusory field in which we all live, sometimes referred to as “the MATRIX”.

When you break from ‘The Matrix’ you are sovereign, self empowered and free.

This disc neutralizes/eliminates all forces that are here with the mission to “keep things the same”. This is a huge topic, too big to talk about here, but every major problem the world is facing now and has always faced has always revolved around this issue. It reminds me of the funny line that says, “no one likes change except a wet baby”. How true this is.
Think about it.

Hasn’t this been the cause of all world wars? People are people. They don’t like change, and they like to keep things the same. This disc allows the free flow of information in all forms…inner sight, inner hearing, feelings, visions, hunches or ideas.