


This disc is sometimes called the problem solver disc. Many times when we attempt to solve a problem we concentrate the best we can hoping a solution will just pop into our heads. Sometimes this works, but many times it does not. I think we’ve also experienced going to bed at night with the problem on our minds and when we open our eyes the next day the solution is right there in front of us.

By allowing the conscious mind to go off-line temporarily, the interference and static is temporarily switched off and the guidance we were seeking can come through. It was there all the time, we just couldn’t access it. When this disc is used properly, the clouds can more easily part and the answer you are seeking will be made visible.

When we RELEASE difficulties we create a brand new set of possibilities for our life.


This disc can be used along with your favorite meditation technique. Sabotage filters are lifted, old, interfering beliefs are dissolved, and the chains of failure will slip away, making it easier to see what is right in front of you.